Recent Astronomy Measurements
The most recent event has been the 2017 total eclipse visible in the USA on August 21,2017.
The eclipse was viewed in Lusk, Wyoming. Many photographs of the event were taken. Unfortunately Jim forgot to take the solar filter off the telescope during the totality part of the eclipse, so the corona photos came out all black. Also the tracking was slightly off during a short period after the totality ended, so those photos are clipped.
Jim did take time to actually look at the eclipse and was rewarded with great views that he will remember for a long time. The whole town broke out in a cheer at the beginning of totality, and that was quite moving.
Some faint sunspots can be seen on the sun on some photos as the moon slowly covers up the sun. The first photo was slightly over exposed so the spots may not be visible there. See if you can detect them. You might have to zoom in with your viewer to see them at first. Click on Eclipse 2017 to see some of the photos taken. Thanks.